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Lilith's Books

Debut Poetry Collections (3-Book-Bundle)

Debut Poetry Collections (3-Book-Bundle)

Regular price $58.00 USD
Regular price $62.00 USD Sale price $58.00 USD
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Want to feel all the things, but beautifully? These stunning debut collections from queer poets will get you there. Prepare to dive head-first Into art, faith, memories, and more from some of the best Indie presses.

Headless John the Baptist Hitchhiking: In this striking debut poetry collection, the speaker is situated in the tradition of Southern literature but reimagines its terrain with an eye on the South's historic and ongoing violence. His restless relationship with religion eventually includes a reclamation of the language of belief in the name of desire.

Pentimento: From an Italian word meaning "to repent," a pentimento is an instance in painting when traces of an artist's earlier decisions or mistakes are visible through the final layer(s) of paint. Using modes of confession, ekphrasis, and biblical persona, PENTIMENTO excavates a queerness entangled in one's faith tradition. SIGNED COPIES AVAILABLE

Brocken Spectre: Set in San Francisco, Brocken Spectre examines the way the past presses up against the present. The speaker, raised in the wake of the AIDS crisis, engages with ideas of belatedness, of looking back to a past that cannot be inhabited, of the ethics of memory, and of the dangers in memorializing and romanticizing tragedy.

All books are shipped with a Lilith's Books exclusive tote bag & sticker.

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